Dry Needling / Medical Acupuncture
Dry needling is a safe and effective treatment that provides fast results from myofascial trigger point pain. Although often linked with Traditional Chinese Acupuncture they are very different
techniques. The only similarty is the fine needle that is used.
Trigger points are very irritible and painful to touch and can refer pain elsewhere in the body, cause muscle weakness and reduced range of motion.
In dry needling, we insert fine acupuncture needles to target taut bands of muscle and trigger points.
This will often produce a twitch response within muscle tissue, increase blood-flow to the area, cause a micro -trauma which kick-starts the body’s healing process, and has a ‘painkiller effect’ on
the target area.
According to current research, it is not uncommon to have a decrease in muscular pain by 50% or more in only one or two sessions.