What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a medical system originating in China that has been practiced for around 3,000 years. It involves the placing of very fine sterile disposable needles into acupuncture points. It is renowned for its use in pain relief, stress, anxiety and depression but is able to alleviate many other health conditions.
Does it Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are not like hypodermic needles. Acupuncture needles are very much finer, solid and hair width. They are sterile, single use disposable needles and all most people feel is a tap when they are inserted. Some may feel a slight tingle or a dull ache, which only lasts for about a second. This sensation is called De Qi. Acupuncture is usually found to be a very relaxing experience.
About Paul Kerwin:
Since training with the renowned Endeavour College of Natural Health in Brisbane, Paul has treated thousands of patients since 2005 at his clinic in Australia, supporting them to restore balance to their bodies and lives.