One to one sessions help to establish the psychological causes of a wide range of eating issues. These could be problems such as a pre-occupation with food or weight, a negative body image, and eating during high emotional times. The more commonly known eating issues can also be addressed such as binge eating disorder, bulimia and some cases of anorexia.
These sessions can support individuals to overcome emotional difficulties and change unhelpful patterns of thought and behaviour. Identifying possible motivations for various behaviours, which can involve several emotional issues, can also be considered.
The benefits are to gain a greater understanding of the motivation of behaviours, and to consider alternative coping mechanisms for the future, using a variety of cognitive behavioural techniques.
Questions to ask yourself:
Manx Eating Disorder Support offer a confidential support service for anyone struggling with eating issues on the Isle of Man. GP referral/diagnosis not necessary.
For more information, please click or text/WhatsApp: 330922